Skin healing
- clear dry scaly skin.
- removes dead skin
- rejuvenates as well as moisturises skin to look better and heal faster

Dry Skin
- frequent dry skin found on hands, legs as well as other parts of the body.
- after application of Mior, dry patch no only disappear but it heals and moisturises as well

Frequent case of oily skin and acne problem
- oily pores become smaller thus less secretion of oil.
- pimple reduced and heal within one month
- pimple scars are clear and skin become much more better looking

Common cases of fine lines and wrinkles.
- wrinkles and fine lines disappears within hours after application
- skin become taut and healthy looking
- face become much more fairer, smoother and a healthy glow will emerge.

Common Case of pimples showing.
- large huge pimples gone by the hours
- pimples become smaller and face become more radiant

Common case of oily skin
- Mior effects can last up to 12 hrs.
- Once applied, face condition gets better.
- on oily face, you can tell that you oily glands gets smaller and thus secretion of oil decreases on the face.

On Normal Face
- Remember Mior work on all type of faces.
- normal eyebags and skin just look normal.
- within application, face changes by the minutes.
- ten minutes, fairer face, radiant glow and even skin tone. No more patchy faces
- Huge Scars a problem
- Mior will help to subside the pimple.
- Within weeks, pimple almost cleared.
Don't take our word or everyone else's word word it. Try it for yourselves. Some say its a miracle soap, others say its magical. Form your own thinking about Mior, Call now to purchase your first Mior. Its Mior-TASTIC.