“Health is not Everything, but Without Health Everything is Nothing” ~ Dr
Bernard Jensen (Father of Holistic Health, USA)
Without good health you cannot spend your money well and enjoy it.
Without good health you cannot enjoy your time with family.
Without good health you cannot have a good marriage or bring up children in good health.
Without good health you cannot help the poor and weak.
Bernard Jensen (Father of Holistic Health, USA)
Without good health you cannot spend your money well and enjoy it.
Without good health you cannot enjoy your time with family.
Without good health you cannot have a good marriage or bring up children in good health.
Without good health you cannot help the poor and weak.
Good Health or Dis-ease?
Many people define good health as not being sick. “So if I’m not sick, I’m healthy!”
Is this true?
With modern science we now know that chronic diseases are accumulated over time and
critical illnesses such as heart attacks, cancers, diabetes do not happen over night but are
results of repeated errors of judgment about healthy living – bad food, smoking, stress etc.
The stage between sick and healthy is where most of us are – the “not sick, but not
healthy” category. It is here where we can make a difference in how our life story unfolds
- whether we will be like 9 out of 10 modern people that die with a chronic disease, or
live to the last breathe of our lives healthy!
So will you choose Good Health or Dis-ease?
Why Iridology?
Since chronic diseases are a result of toxic accumulation over time, that means to say if
we can remove the root cause, remove the toxins, we can prevent these diseases from
3 things decide whether a chronic disease will take place:
1) Inherent weaknesses (from parents)
2) Lifestyle from birth until NOW
3) Lifestyle from NOW onwards
We can’t choose our parents, neither can we change the Past.
What we CAN change is the FUTURE – by choices we make TODAY.
To help us make better decisions about health, we need to know where we are NOW.
When you are lost in a jungle, you need to first know where you are NOW, where you
want to BE, and a compass to guide your way out.
Iridology can help you know what your health status is NOW, and if your goal is
OPTIMAL HEALTH, it can serve as the ‘compass’ to guide you towards your goal.
So what is Iridology?
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye.
Iri and iris come from the Greek name of the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The Greeks
noted eyes come in many, many colors. And ‘ology’ also comes from the Greek, meaning
‘study of’. Literally translated, iridology means the study of the coloration of the eye.
The iris reveals changing conditions of every part and organ of the body. Every organ and
part of the body is represented in the iris in a well defined area. In addition, through
various marks, signs, and discoloration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses
and strengths.
By means of this art/science, an iridologist can tell an individual his/her inherited
tendencies towards health and disease, his current condition in general, and the state of
every organ in particular.
What can Iridology tell us about our Health?
Just as the “eye is the window to our soul”, the iris serves as a "window to our body's
state of health”.
Details in the iris reflect changes in the tissues of the corresponding body organs.
According to Dr. Bernard Jensen: "Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body
tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and
locations." This means that a bodily condition will translate to a noticeable change in the
appearance of the iris.
In short, the Iris tells us area in the body that are healthy and areas that need our attention
- those which are described as overactive, inflamed, or distressed. These ‘unhealthy’
areas point to the body’s susceptibility towards certain illnesses, reflect past medical
problems, and serve to predict health problems which may be developing.
Brief History of Iridology
One hundred and fifty years ago, in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, there was a doctor
by the name of Ignatz Von Peczely. When he was 10 years old, he discovered a
phenomenon by chance. He observed a pattern, a nature’s record of the eye.
One fine day, when he was playing with his pet owl, he fractured the owl’s leg by
accident. He noticed a stripe of black in the iris of the owl. After nursing the owl's leg
back to health, he released the bird into the wild. At this time, he noticed the stripe of
black was replaced with fine, crooked white lines. Years later when the boy became a
doctor, he began to realize that his patients had similar irregularities in their irises. The
differences depended on the type and stage of illness. Over time he charted a map of the
iris/body relation.
Around the same time, a 14-year-old Swedish boy, Nils Liljequist, became severely ill
following a vaccination. After he began treatment with quinine and other potent drugs he
noticed a change in his iris color. Years later he broke some of his ribs and again noticed
a change in his iris color. In 1893 he published over 258 drawings in an atlas depicting
his interpretation of the iris/body relation.
The two men's maps were startlingly similar.
In the 1950's , Dr. Bernard Jensen pioneered Iridology research in the United States. He
had developed the most complete and comprehensive iridology map, revealing the eye’s
respective reflected organs.
Today, Dr. Bernard Jensen’s iris map is of the most precision and accuracy, and is most
widely used worldwide, especially in Australia, Canada, and some European and Asian
What can we do with the Information revealed by an Iridology Scan?
Through reading the iris, we help people see clearly their health (and hence their life)
through their own eyes, so that they may choose between the path that leads them
towards Dis-ease, or the path that leads them towards Health.
Consider the average person walking down the street...chances are he or she is at least
half sick. We think of a man who fell out of a 20-storey window. As he passed the second
storey window, he remarked, “Well, I’m all right so far!” So it is with people living
dangerously, partaking of poisonous foods. They may be “all right so far,” but for how
Unfortunately, many people living dangerously do not realize what they are doing. They
continue to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco, overeat and eat bad food without
understanding the effects these have on their body. Overtime, toxins accumulate and
poison them...which is slow suicide.
When done through ignorance, it is unintentional suicide.
When done because of stubbornness, it is intentional suicide.
Life can and should be sweet and wonderful. Why shorten it by suicide?
So Health or Dis-ease?

The following article is taken from Simple Her, Singapore dated July 2007. Singapore does offer Iridology Scan.
EMAIL ME (yourone.stopshop88@gmail.com) or CALL ME (91173270) to arrange an
appointment with our qualified Iridology analyst for your personalized Iridology Scan.
Its Your Choice.
Through reading the iris, we help people see clearly their health (and hence their life)
through their own eyes, so that they may choose between the path that leads them
towards Dis-ease, or the path that leads them towards Health.
Consider the average person walking down the street...chances are he or she is at least
half sick. We think of a man who fell out of a 20-storey window. As he passed the second
storey window, he remarked, “Well, I’m all right so far!” So it is with people living
dangerously, partaking of poisonous foods. They may be “all right so far,” but for how
Unfortunately, many people living dangerously do not realize what they are doing. They
continue to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco, overeat and eat bad food without
understanding the effects these have on their body. Overtime, toxins accumulate and
poison them...which is slow suicide.
When done through ignorance, it is unintentional suicide.
When done because of stubbornness, it is intentional suicide.
Life can and should be sweet and wonderful. Why shorten it by suicide?
So Health or Dis-ease?

The following article is taken from Simple Her, Singapore dated July 2007. Singapore does offer Iridology Scan.
EMAIL ME (yourone.stopshop88@gmail.com) or CALL ME (91173270) to arrange an
appointment with our qualified Iridology analyst for your personalized Iridology Scan.
Its Your Choice.