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Handphone No - 8427 2974
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Payment For Products & Services.
Email or call me on the products you wish to buy.
Order Form: 1) Name 2) Contact No. (Preferably HP) 3) Email Add. 4) Name of Product & Quantity 5) Address Posting. 6) Bank Acc No of bank transfer
Upon confirmation, please pay to POSB savings account number (187-13876-0) and email/sms me the transaction number and date/time.
Within 3-4 days, the products will be sent to you.
** For overseas customer, feel free to email me if you wish to purchase any item, we can work out the price and the order.
Fly Me To The Moon
Term & Conditions
1) Goods sold are NON refundable or exchangeable for other products. 2) Upon confirmation, customer aren't allowed to back out. 3) Please double-confirm your home address as we won't be responsibe for posting to the wrong address. 4) We won't be responsible for good lost/damaged upon local mail. Good sent are at its best condition. 5) All prices are in SINGAPORE DOLLARS (S$). 6) All customer's particulars are kept confidential.